Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas in Island Park

We spent Christmas at my in-law's cabin in Island Park this year. We go up there as much as possible (especially in the winter), but this has been the first time I have been there on Christmas. It was a lot of fun! We went up on Christmas Eve and had a very nice Ham dinner (Thanks Jessica!). Sam & Emily went up a day earlier and cut down a tree, so after dinner, we popped pop-corn and decorated the tree.

Nate & Kim stringing popcorn

Chris read Luke 2, Becky recited "The night before Christmas," and Sam read a poem about a Grandma's first Christmas after passing was very touching as Jessica's grandma passed this year.

Sam & Emily (Jake & Dave too) working on Popcorn too

The kids had so much fun! I think they would live up there year-round if they could...Hey I would too!

Dave and his popcorn string

Today we played outside. Sledding, jumping in the snow and a quick snow-mobille ride. I loved sledding with Toph & Creedance...and TJ even made a few runs. The hill was FAST!!! Toph is getting very brave, and Creedance loved going fast...the snow spray in the face didn't bother her too much....TJ didn't like it too much when he fell face-first into a drift (from sitting)!

Rachel made some sweet ornamants

I had to come home a day early to get to work tomarrow, so after Jess gets home with her (new) camera, I'll have more snapshots to post.

I hated to come home after only one day...but I am thankful for the time I could spend with my family and children...I can't wait for next Christmas!


Darren Clark said...

I thought you were going to stay up an extra day anyway, you're so responsible.

Tyler said...


It also means that I am looking harder. One of the jobs I just had to be back for...didn't get completed becausehe didn't order enough metal to finish it...I sure was glad I came back for that!