Saturday, February 24, 2007

Cory's Question

So a friend called me with a question about the last post...too long of a question for a comment, I'll summarise: Look at the chain-link fence on the left of the spillway. In the 'close-up' (color) picture the fence is much shorter than the monochrome, which seems to be taken from farther back. I hadn't noticed this at all, but after Cory drew my attention to it, I was amazed. I looked back into the metadata to see what focal length I shot them at...this solved it. The 'close-up' or color image was actually shot from much farther away and at 145mm, whereas the monochromatic was shot from closer to the structure and at 50mm. From farther away the fence was foreshortened and more background was visible (look at the power lines on the right!). But when I moved in closer to the structure, and shot at a wider angle, the power lines were not visible and the fence appears to get longer. Thanks Cory that was fun!

On other notes, I was in Jackson most all of this week again. We made progress too! It felt so good to get something standing! This is an image of the first elevation we got standing. I shot this with my camera phone and stitched it together...roughly. It is kind of hard to know black aluminum frame on black iron structure...and hey, it was shot with a camera phone! I'm taking my 10D up next week to get some better photos. It feels really good to be making progress!

The new guy (newer than me) grinding off studs

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