Thursday, March 01, 2007

Another week in Teton Park

© Tyler Hopkins 2007

Another week of working at the Visitor's Center at Moose, WY has ended. We wroked 3-12's and a 'half-day.' The half-day became 10 hours. But the long hours were not too bad, we started earlier and we were able to keep busy and get a lot accomplished. One day the clouds even broke up and I got this shot of the Tetons from just outside the building. This will be the view from inside the building.

This shows our curtain wall in place, almost ready for glass...I stitched this from 3 photos (I need a much shorter lens!)

It felt so good to get so much done on it. We even started setting glass on some of the frames that were set before I started at Jenkins Glass. But Mostly I felt good about getting so much of the big curtain wall done. We are almost ready for glass on a lot of it. I don't know if I will be up there all of next week. I think that there could be about half of us up there setting the base for the next run of curtain wall. Our material is the smaller black stuff that sticks out from the bigger black stuff. We are now waiting for some stone boulders to be set so we can build off of them...again this is a really wierd design for a building. When it is done everyone that gets a chance must go see it. It will be beautifull!

This shows the only 90° corner on the still leans into the building at 9° though...I stitched this from about 10 images...kinda messes with your eyes 'eh?


Slade said...

We're coming up this summer...can't wait to see the space and show off to my family that hey, "I know someone who worked on this!".

Looking good!

Tyler said...

Hope it is done by then! It is suposed to open in May I think...but I don't know...well maybe. We should have it closed in in about a month or so...I HOPE! These long weeks away are killing me!