Friday, March 09, 2007

We've set glass!

Work on the Rexburg Temple started Monday! Jason and I set the first window in the Temple! That was pretty cool. But then on Tuesday I had to go to Jackson to work on the park visitor center. That is where I spent the rest of the week. progress went quite slow, but we do have a bunch of glass set. Each frame has to have end dams put in, be caulked and vinyled (rubber gasket) before glass can be set, so it is a slow process. These frames were set before I started working with Jenkins...They are big, but not as wierd as the big stuff we have been installing will be to set glass. The glass we set this week is all plumb.

It has been a very long week. I am very happy to be home for the weekend...and I think I may be working on the Temple next week. Jess and I are going to Salt Lake on Thursday with TJ, so It would be silly to go to Jackson for just two days (everyone is staying here on Monday). Or at least that was the plan the last I heard.

This is the material that we are using for the big sloped curtain wall...I have never used such an odd curtain wall system...lots of different pieces! The whole system seems to be over-engineered...but who am I? I'm a photographer and a glazier...not an engineer.

This space will be a gallery. The room strait back will be a classroom. It will be a beautiful exhibit space...but I don't think that they will really use it as an art gallery...probibly more for perminant pieces??? Who knows.

This is looking into the Gallery. I don't quite understand what the holes into the crawl-space are for. There are a lot of them. Something to do with diaramas and exhibits on hydraulic lifts??? Don't step in! They are normally covered, but they just got done pouring concrete (a second layer).

So that has been my week.

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