Sunday, May 20, 2007

TJ at Shriner's

We made the trip to Salt Lake for TJ's surgery this week. Monday was very nerve wracking simply because of the anticipation of the whole thing. We got checked in and into his room, then they checked his vitals...and all that stuff. Then we just had to wait. The doctor came to visit him a little. Tuesday morning he went in at 8:00, and we got him out of the recovery room about quick!

TJ is such a happy boy. He did so well through the whole thing. He was grumpy when he came out of the anesthesia...waking up in a strange room, with strange stuff around, and strange people. We were able to get him fed and calmed down quickly, then he was really good...restless but good. He wanted to go play as much as he could. He didn't realize that his leg should hurt and kept trying to stand on it, so we had to slow him down a bit and limit what he could play on out in the big play room.
He does not like having his arms held down or being confined. He did not like having his blood pressure taken (on his arm) or the IV. It just made it too hard to get around! But we were still able to let him play a little, just had to adapt.

We discovered that TJ can throw balls very well. He soon got tired of throwing them into the little tub and started throwing them at us and across the room. Not much slows him down.
I am not sure if he has completly realized what has happened. When we change the bandage he has started to look at his stump a little funny, but I don't think he as caught on completly yet. At this point he may just think that it is a sock that we won't let him pull off...he loves to pull his socks off. He has pulled the wraping off once already.

We are very proud of our little boy. It is amazing how this has strenghened us as a family and our faith. I know it was our family and friends' prayers that got us through it all. During and after the surgery we were at such peace and I know it is because of all the prayers...THANK YOU!


Anonymous said...

Heck of a blog man heck of a blog!!!!! Suz and I are sure in awe of what you guys have been through with such faith.

Sally said...

Glad it went well Tyler.

Natalie said...

wow, poor little guy. That just breaks my heart. You are all in my prayers!

Tyler said...

Thnak you. He is a good little trooper. I am just glad that Jess and I can go through the emotional anxiety now so he won't have to go through so much when he is older. This has been a tough decision to make for him...We know it was the right chioce (better be we can't go back now! Ha!).