Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hopkins Reunion

The whole Terry Hopkins Family

Last weekend (Thursday through Sunday) was our family reunion. This year Jess and I were responsible for organizing it. It was a lot of work, but we had a lot of help from Mom & Dad and well...everyone helped out a lot.

We found a great place that we could all stay at (well almost, Jess and I stayed at her parent's cabin one night) in Island Park. Each family had a room and a bathroom, and there was a lot of common area for the kids to run & play, then to sleep. It was a lot of fun to just visit and catch up.

We floated Big Springs. It was so much fun! If anyone is farmiliar with that section of river, it was very slow, but very appropriate for the younger kids. We had 2 rafts and LOTS of tubes. I got VERY sunburnt! I am still feeling it.

We went to the Playmill Theatre in West Yellowstone and saw Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I was suprised to see Brian there! One of the last times we were in West Yellowstone we ran into his family. It was a very good play, and if you have not been to the Playmill, you must go! They are very tallented and funny!

Saturday we spent much of the day in Yellowstone park. As were heading there, however, we had a flat on our van and wore through the sidewall. Dad said that he was thankfull for me making things interisting. Never a dull moment I guess.

Tim helping me with the flat.

Yellowstone was fun, and we got some family pictures. I think that this has been the first time in a very long time that we all (37 now) have been together. Who knows when it will happen again. T.J. was the popular one of the bunch, everyone simply had to hold him. Here's his cousin Ben holding him, and Creedance peeking out the back of the stroller. Ben will be on his mission next summer (GO BEN GO!!!).

We really had a wonderfull time with everyone and glad that they could come and play. But with all the activities we did I think that the thing I enjoyed the most was when mom & dad gave the little family history presentation. This year they gave us their history from their marriage up to TJ's birth. They told us what it was like making a living, their struggles and joys, their children's accomplishments and their grandchildren's births. It was so wonderfull. I hope everyone else had as much fun as I did. And if you didn't...too bad!


Brian said...

Sorry to keep crashing your reunions. I AM starting to feel like part of the family, however!

Anonymous said...

Tyler, I read your blog this morning from the cab of the logging truck. Sounds like the reunion was a blast! Good for you guys.
How is T.J. doing?
How goes Cherries?
I guess that every job has it's ups and downs. Work has been mostly downs this week. I have been logging the last 3 days straight and been home for only an hour yesterday. We should get back from Baker,MT tommorow morning some time. Suzanne and I miss everyone AND IDAHO...we are excited to get back home September 1st-3rd. We will have to get all the friends together for a bike ride in the mountains and stuff like that.
God Bless

Ty the lone petroleum engineer in training in Montana

Anonymous said...

Hi Tyler,
What a great job you did planning this reunion. We had a blast. We were glad to have everyone there this year. Sorry that we always have to leave a day early.

When you get a minute could you send me a CD or something with your pics of the reunion and if you got any from the others?

Thanks again for a great reunion. Those were the best seats we ever had at the Playmill.


Tyler said...

Yea the reunion was great! Thanks for coming everyone! I'll get a CD out to you all asap (hopefully sooner than I did this last time).

Ty--keep your chin up. Glad to hear that you are coming. Can't wait to ride in the mountains with you.