Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bad Ride at Kelly's

OK, so...get this! Last Friday night, Kyle and I wanted to ride Wolverine Creek Trail up past Kelly's Canyon. So we go up with the families, our wives and kids would drop meet us at the bottom of the trail and we would have dinner and hang out and throw rocks at the river. While we are riding they will drive down (it takes a while by car--bumpy road), and wait a little bit. Well, Kyle and I also wanted to do the Buckskin-Morgan trail, then connect to Wolverine via part of Hawly's Gulch. Kyle printed off some pictures of the area on Google Earth. Really cool. So when we dumped out at Fenceline onto the road, rather than backtracking onto Hawly's, we (after checking out the Google earth pics), that we could cut strait East (we think it was strait East) along some other roads and trails to the road to Wolverine. Well, I have no idea where we ended up...but it was thick and not very used. Somehow we ended up very lost, when Jess called to find out where we were...then my phone died...then we got back to a place we had been an hour earlier...made our way back to Fenceline...then made our way back up the road to get to Kyle's truck or Hawly's...well we ended up at Hawly's...but at a TOTALLY DIFFERENT place along it than we thought we would hit....WEIRD! So we rode down to Table Rock Camp Ground, got onto the road and got down to our wives at the bottom--at 9:20pm. It was quite dark by then and we were very tired...rode 20 miles and for more than 2 hrs. It was a long night. And the kicker is that we didn't even get to ride Wolverine...what we really wanted to ride!

Here's a completly unrelated photo...well, it is kind of nearby where we were riding. The week before this fatefull ride I shot this while out with Theo...I kind of like it. But lately I have been quite discouraged with my photography. So I haven't shot much. I have been quite busy with work and side jobs this summer too, so there has been little time to go out...I'm about ready to put my camera on the shelf for a while...


Sally said...

I like it too.

Darren Clark said...

um... I wouldn't do that. I've always thought you were a better portrait photographer than a landscape photographer. I think documenting TJ's progress would be a nice project. I'm not sure if you would be comfortable sharing all of the images with a large audience, but the image on your last post is very touching. Anyway, a break every once in a while is nice. Just make sure it's for the right reason.

Slade said...

Don't listen to Darren...he did put his camera away for a while...look where it's gotten him. Hehe.

Maybe instead of putting the camera away, just quit worrying about all of the calendar photos that you are missing, and concentrate on photographing the things that are truly important to you.

Darren't idea of photographing TJ's journey is a good one. I might think about starting a blog or a website specifically about him and what you're going through as a family. Be brutally honest. Tell everyone how tough your decisions are. Share your innermost fears of making life-altering decisions for your son. Bear it all.

You know that you can help others who will be making the same decisions in the future. You can show them your story and it can be a very powerful educational tool. Don't hide what you are going through. There are parents dying to hear your experience so that they can make a more educated decision.

My .02 cents...

Very nice images of your son BTW...

Do NOT put away the camera. Charge the batteries instead.

Tyler said...

I haven't stopped photographing TJ. I just think that maybe I want something else to photograph as well...I enjoy going out and shooting, but don't have a goal for the images or an underlying concept to work on...just shooting for the sake of shooting.

Also, I am a bit discouraged that I followed my passion but then stopped. I got the degree...and then what? I continue working construction? Yes I do really enjoy what I do. I love to work with my hands, and I think that I have been able to do something important and contribute to something great--the Rexburg Temple--But is this what I can support my family through the years??? I don't know...don't think I am completly bummed, just a bit.

By the way...thanks for the words of encouragement and compliments. I need to get with you and get some feedback on what I have of TJ so far.