Thursday, April 24, 2008

Merry Freakin' Winter

Outside the bank in was fun...

OK so winter just won't let up! Yesterday was rainy with hail and quite cold. Luckily we spent most of the day working in the shop getting ready for a day working in Victor. Today we were working in Victor at the bank. I thought it would be cold with rain off and on...basicly kind of crappy. But instead we had snow...wet...blowing snow.

This job has been a bit of a pain. Some things have gone well, and others seem to drag on. Today we were working on trimming out with break-metal, which each piece is custom and a pain. So we didn't seem to make much headway.

An interesting thing about this job is that it is the same bank and basicly identical to the one I did in Jackson when I worked with Cherry Glass (Here's a link to that post in 2006). The design on this one bypasses problems that we faced on the one in that has been nice. Also the contractor has a lift for us to use on this one whereas the Jackson bank was all off of scaffolding.


Brian said...


I am happy to see that your life is progressing and photography still plays a part in it. I like your images of TJ. The manner in which you have handled his situation is inspiring to me.


Tyler said...

Thank you for the kind words.

However I don't think that photography seems to be playing as much a part as I would like it to. Maybe someday...I just feel like there are too many other things that must take presidence right now.

Again, thank you for the kind words.

Slade said...

Syncro de Mayo baby!

Tyler said...

I'll have to check that out somewhere that is not on dial-up. Dang I'm cheep! Those videos of guys in Syncros are crazy! I took my bus driving up in the hills today...but nothing like I've seen syncros do. Check out some of the videos on