Sunday, April 06, 2008

I really like the newel post and balusters we went with.

Our stairway railing got built this last week. We really like how it turned out. We still have some finish sanding to do on it and one more coat of lacquer. We have the window sills to do next, they will be of the same wood and finish. I am excited to see them done too. We had a guy in my ward install the fact our architect & electrician are in our ward too.
The counter tops also got completed this week. We had to get the sinks on site so the cutouts could be made. Our plumber gave us a sweet deal on this granite(ish) kitchen sink. It is a composite that looks and feels like granite. He sold it to us for the cost of a stainless steel sink. I think that we are able to do little things that are giving our house a distinct character and style. I hope it doesn't become too eclectic...I think that I have been able to maintain a consistent design.

Cabinets and counter tops are finished.

In some of the design Jess and I have made compromises. I let her get less expensive faucets throughout the house that still look nice (which saved us around $500), and she is letting me buy tile to finish the shower and tub deck. The wall tile we got for free doesn't really match the floor tile we put in. So I had a modest budget to buy something that compliments the floor better. So I have been working on getting the shower pan sloped and sealed, then I can start working in there again.

Shower floor ready for mortar and tile

I have got to say that this has been an adventure. I have never done much of what I am doing on this house. I have never laid tile and I think I did OK, I am however nervous about the wall tile. I am glad that we hired subcontractors for what we have. We would not be nearly as far along if we had tried to do a lot more ourselves. The hole was dug on December 12, 2007...we are almost at the four-month mark, and very close to done. Maybe by the end of the month we will be.

1 comment:

Andy said...

The house is lookin really good. I love the banister. How soon till you can move in?