Monday, May 08, 2006


Well, tomorrow we leave for Salt Lake City. Wednesday is TJ's appointment with the doctor(s) at Shriner's. I am excited to see what they would recommend and when we can start helping him. Mostly we are excited to find out what the plan will be, or can be. I hope that we can get started right away, but I also don't want to rush into anything that we may end up having to do over again. I have heard that sometimes they have to repeat a procedure because the leg reverts back. I don't know. There are so many 'what ifs' We are just happy to have our baby boy. He is so wonderful!


Sally said...

Hope it goes well tyler. good luck.

Tyler said...

Thanks Sally. We just got back. We were given a lot to chew on. I'll talk about it in a while, after we have a chance to process.