Saturday, May 06, 2006

High Water

So a few days ago (Wednesday) I was working downtown by the river, and I couldn't believe how high the water level is! The falls are not very high. I can only remember one other time that they were higher. In 1997 we had some floding, and the falls were only a bump. Of course when the Teton dam broke and floded they were MUCH higher, but that was before I was born and so I wouldn't remember that. Well, I thought I would take the opportunity to go photograph the falls and the temple. I have been trying to make a good photograph of the LDS Temple in Idaho Falls for a while now, I am getting closer but not quite there. Anyway so I took Jess and the kids down to the walk around and see the falls. It was really fun. I got to photograph and the kids got out and see the ducks and run around. I taught Toph to chase the ducks...ha ha ha.

Topher & Creedance by the falls.

So after getting home and downloading some of the images, I realized that 2 months ago I made photographs from the same place (almost-where I was standing previously is now under 6 feet of water or so. It is really interesting to compare and see the difference 2 months makes!

2 March 2006 3 May 2006

I also just got my new printer...Ok so I bought a used one off eBay. I got an Epson 2200, I figure I could get a good printer for much cheaper if I get the outdated one. It still gives great results, and ICC profiles are much easier to find for it than the 2400...Plus the 2400 at school was giving me problems, I'm not quite sure if all the bugs have been worked out of that model. So I got the printer on Thursday, and got it hooked up. I turned it on and as it was running through the normal warm-up procedure it made a TERRIBLE banging noise, then all the lights started flashing and it would not work! OH NO! Well, to make a long story short, I took the printer half way apart and discovered the problem was actually quite simple, repaired it, and now it works beautifully! I was so worried that I bought a lemon and I would end up paying out in repairs what I could have paid for a new 2400. Yeay! I am happy now.

And now for the best news!

Jessica called me yesterday while I was at work and told me that we got into Shriner's. In fact we go this coming Wednesday to have Tyler Jr's leg examined and evaluated. I am so relieved! We thought that it would be months before they could even see us, and even longer before any treatments begin. Now we still don't know when treatments begin, they may end up not doing anything until he is 2 or older...we won't know until Wednesday...but it is good to know that we will know then. We will go down Tuesday after work and stay (hopefully) one night.

Please keep Tyler Jr. in your prayers...Thanks

1 comment:

Andy said...

that's cool you got your printer. my 2400 has been VERY nice so far. The prints are absolutely gorgeous. That's good you got one so soon out of school. I kick myself for waiting a year before I got some way to output photographs.
And congratulations on the new boy, and I hope all turns out with his leg. Keep in touch :)