Saturday, September 09, 2006

What about the partridge?

We spent today cleaning, re-arranging rooms and even planted a tree. Not spring (for spring cleaning) or Arbor Day…go figure. We got a log cleaned, stuff put away into the crawl-space (glad to have it out of the way), and a bunch of stuff to the DI (glad to have that out of our house…we need to do that with even more stuff here). And the best part of the day…we moved TJ into the kids’ room! We have kept him in our room for much longer than the other two kids. But now we have our room to ourselves, not so cramped.

We have wanted to get a tree in the back yard for some shade. Well a week or so ago, dad put in a pear tree and today mentioned that if one of the neighbors had a pear tree too, they would cross-pollinate and grow more fruit (I think). So maybe we should be the neighbor with the other tree? We won’t see the fruit from our tree, as we are outgrowing our little house too fast, but this way we can have some of mom & dad’s pears.

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