Friday, October 27, 2006

Portrait of TJ at 6 Months

Today after work, I made some photographs of TJ (my youngest kid). I noticed that the light coming in our bedroom window was quite nice. I am not sure about this 'coloring' however. I intended to use a chanel mixer layer to convert to b&w, but forgot about another layer above it and ended up with this subtle color. I like it, but worry that it is a bit cliché. Does it look subtle or colorized? Here's a rough b&w to compare.

Does it seem more in line with my other Children Portraits? Now bear in mind that the portraits on my website were made with a 4x5 view camera and this is with a digital the depth of field (among other factors) will be vastly different. Obviously there is a difference because color is introduced, but is it an effective difference or just cute and sappy?

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