Sunday, May 21, 2006


Jessica put TJ in a new outfit for chruch today...ok so most all of his cloths are new--he's only 3 weeks old! She wanted pictures of him in it, and we thought we'd have Toph & Creedance get in for a couple shots too. I've got cute kids!

Creedance 2yrs, Topher 3yrs & Tyler Jr. 3 wks

(he does have a right foot! it's just small and pulled up, I know it looks like he doesn't.)

We went to Pocatello yesterday for a friend's daughter's birthday, she turned 1. We had a lot of fun, but TJ was very sick of being in his car seat. Funny, the trip to Salt Lake didn't seem to bug him at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute Kids!
Almost as cute as mine.